Unknown column 'session' in 'field list'Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH

Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH

Lemken Karat 10/600 KUA **neu** - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Lemken Karat 10/600 KUA **neu**Lemken
Internal no.: 801
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2024
Power0 kW (0 HP)

karat-10600-kua-integrierte-aufsatteleinrichtung-achse-mit-radgroesze-62040-r225-unterlenkeranschluss-kat-3-schnellwechselzinken-mit-abschersicherung-29-zinken-strichabstand-31cm-rahmenhoehe-80-cm-aufgepanzerte-scharspitzen-80mm-breit-randleitbleche-tastraeder-hydraulisch-einstellbar-11580-153, 845-x-290-mm-hydraulische-tiefeneinstellung-zugkraftverstaerker-einebnung-mit-nivellier-scheiben-6-paare-inkl-randscheiben-scheibenelement-gezackte-hohlscheiben-520mm, hydraulisch-einstellbar-rueckverfestigung-mit-packer-profilwalze-600540mm-hydraulische-transportverriegelung-40kmh-irrtum-zwischenverkauf-vorbehalten-

€ 72,990.00plus VAT 19% (€ 86,858.10 Gross)
Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH Gülzow-Prüzen
To the offer
NewLemken Karat 10/400 KUA - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Lemken Karat 10/400 KUALemken
Internal no.: 200B
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2024
Power0 kW (0 HP)

irrtum-zwischenverkauf-vorbehalten-lemken-karat-10400-kua-zinken-mit-wechselscharfusz, Window deflector, Edge plates can be swiveled in mechanically, Lower link cat.3, Air brake system

€ 54,500.00plus VAT 19% (€ 64,855.00 Gross)
Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH Gülzow-Prüzen
To the offer
Kverneland Enduro Pro 5000T **neu** - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Kverneland Enduro Pro 5000T **neu**Kverneland
Internal no.: 803
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2024
Power0 kW (0 HP)

enduro-pro-5000t-integrierte-aufsatteleinrichtung-achse-mit-radgroesze-48045-r17-unterlenkeranschluss-kat-3-schnellwechselzinken-mit-abschersicherung-triflex, 700-zinken-700kg-ausloesekraft-18-zinken-strichabstand-27cm-rahmenhoehe-87-cm-knock-on-250mm-schnellwechsel, scharspitzen-grindelschoner-tastraeder-hydraulisch-einstellbar-hydraulische-tiefeneinstellung-arbeitstiefe-5-35cm-einebnung-mit-nivellier-scheiben-rueckverfestigung-mit-actripress-twin-walze-560mm-220kgm-irrtum-zwischenverkauf-vorbehalten-

€ 49,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 59,381.00 Gross)
Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH Gülzow-Prüzen
To the offer
Köckerling Vario 400 - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Köckerling Vario 400
Internal no.: 335
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2023
Power0 kW (0 HP)

irrtum-zwischenverkauf-vorbehalten-koeckerling-vario-400-baujahr-2023, Working width 4m, hydraulic depth adjustment, Trailing runner double STS roller, After-harrow

€ 47,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 57,001.00 Gross)
Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH Gülzow-Prüzen
To the offer
NewHorsch Tiger 6 XL - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Horsch Tiger 6 XLHorsch
Internal no.: 397
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2013
Power0 kW (0 HP)

irrtum-zwischenverkauf-vorbehalten-horsch-tiger-6-xl-baujahr-2013, 6m working width, 70 cm frame height, 37 Leaf springs, 6-bar

€ 29,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 35,581.00 Gross)
Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH Gülzow-Prüzen
To the offer
Horsch Finer 7 SL - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Horsch Finer 7 SLHorsch
Internal no.: 257
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2022
Power0 kW (0 HP)


€ 29,500.00plus VAT 19% (€ 35,105.00 Gross)
Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH Gülzow-Prüzen
To the offer
Saphir Allstar 601 Longline - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Saphir Allstar 601 LonglineSaphir
Internal no.: 353
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2022
Power0 kW (0 HP)

irrtum-zwischenverkauf-vorbehalten-saphir-allstar-601-longline-baujahr-2022, Working width: 6m, Transport width: 2.90m, hydraulically foldable., 8-werkzeugbalken

€ 14,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 17,731.00 Gross)
Mecklenburger Landtechnik GmbH Gülzow-Prüzen
To the offer
More vehicles from our partners follow, which can also be arranged through us.
Väderstad OPUS 500 - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Väderstad OPUS 500Väderstad
Internal no.: 314000702000009
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2024
Power0 kW (0 HP)

5,00m working width, K80 bottom hanger, Air brake, Tyres: 520/50-17, Double Soil Runner roller

€ 69,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 83,181.00 Gross)
Fricke Landmaschinen GmbH Bockel - Gyhum
To the offer
Lemken Karat 12/500 KUA - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Lemken Karat 12/500 KUALemken
Internal no.: 723.00070.2000014
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2022
Power0 kW (0 HP)

untenanhaengung-kugel-80-transportfahrwerk-ber-55045-225-alliance-tastraeder-vorne-transportklappung-hydraulisch-transportsicherung-hydraulisch-straszentransportschutz-abnehmbar-beleuchtung-m-warntafeln-druckluftbremsanlage-nachstriegel-abstellstuetze-randbleche-hohlscheiben-gezackt-stahl, packerdoppelwalze-pdw-steinsicherung-spiralfeder-

€ 49,675.00plus VAT 19% (€ 59,113.25 Gross)
Fricke Landtechnik GmbH Demmin
To the offer
Horsch Tiger 8 LT - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Horsch Tiger 8 LTHorsch
Internal no.: 348.00070.2000008
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2015
Power0 kW (0 HP)


€ 36,750.00plus VAT 19% (€ 43,732.50 Gross)
Fricke Landtechnik GmbH Demmin
To the offer
Maschio Terremoto 3 500 - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Maschio Terremoto 3 500Maschio
Internal no.: 491000702000010
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture
Power0 kW (0 HP)

5,00m working width, hydr. foldable, 17 prongs, Spring stone fuse, Levelling discs

€ 29,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 35,581.00 Gross)
Fricke Landmaschinen GmbH Bockel - Gyhum
To the offer
Maschio Terremoto 3 500 - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Maschio Terremoto 3 500Maschio
Internal no.: 491000702000011
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2023
Power0 kW (0 HP)

5,00m working width, 17 wing shares, Shear bolt protection, Levelling discs, mech. depth adjustment of the roller

€ 22,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 27,251.00 Gross)
Fricke Landmaschinen GmbH Bockel - Gyhum
To the offer
Saphir MSG 307S-4 TineStar - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Saphir MSG 307S-4 TineStarSaphir
Internal no.: 593005002000003FL
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2023
Power0 kW (0 HP)

with mechanical depth adjustment, with mechanical edge disc folding, with levelling hollow discs, with wing shares, with illumination

€ 12,450.00plus VAT 19% (€ 14,815.50 Gross)
Fricke Landmaschinen GmbH Bockel - Gyhum
To the offer
Maschio Terremoto 3 300 Scherbolzen - Soil cultivation crop - Cultivator
Maschio Terremoto 3 300 ScherbolzenMaschio
Internal no.: 491000702000009
Operating hours0
Mileage0 km
Year of manufacture2023
Power0 kW (0 HP)

3,00m working width, 10 prongs, Shear bolt protection, Levelling discs, Marginal discs

€ 10,900.00plus VAT 19% (€ 12,971.00 Gross)
Fricke Landmaschinen GmbH Bockel - Gyhum
To the offer